Monday, June 23, 2008

Slapfight Sunday: Wholahay vs Sveren

Hey hey, loyal reader! You're in luck, because I've got another fantastic installment of Slapfight Sunday for y--what's that? It's Monday? Dude, I know it's Monday and that the damn slapfight is late, but I was hoping you'd play along. But NO NO NO, you had to go and rub it in, huh? Can't be late posting THIS ONE TIME - and you know, I had a rough night, but I guess that doesn't matter does it? Look, punk, you will be grateful that there EVEN IS A POST because BACK IN MY DAY we couldn't rely on such awesome entertainment, and if it's not appreciated, I will turn this blog around, SO HELP ME GOD, and leave you with only PBS to watch. For serious.

Ok, better? Good. Glad we understand each other. Let's just put that unpleasantness behind us, shall we? Great. Today's slapfight is a doozy, I tell you what. In a truly heartwrenching twist of fate, Wholahay and Sveren threw down in the snowy hills of Dun Morogh1. And readers, doesn't it seem like only yesterday that this very pair was scampering through Darnassus on newly purchased mounts? Really, when you think about it, it's tragic - like something out of Shakespeare. But with more bitch slaps.

Oh, I should note that this took place during the Midsummer Fire Festival, and I would wager that the fire buffs that spontaneously combust throughout the duel probably also kept them warm enough to keep fighting. Theoretically.
1It should be noted here that Jon (the boyfriend) actually did wrestle in the snow in Minnesota in February in a shirts and skins style face-off. And he won too, just like his character did.

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