Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Kucinich takes over the world....of warcraft

I am awful at keeping up to date with my own blog. Melissa, however, is not. This is my fault, I promise you.

However, aside from my guilty begging for your forgiveness, I have a few things to say. A couple of weeks ago now, Dennis Kucinich, the former presidential candidate, decided to do something totally wacky: try to impeach the president. Now, for anyone that knows him, the probably isn't a surprise. For me? Well I found it hilarious. And so, in regular Dani style, I wanted to do something perhaps too cheesy to be funny. But you never know.

I made myself a little gnome character and caused him to look just like Denis. How does this work? He had a receding hair line, HUGE ears and short stubby arms. His wife, of course, had to be there. For that feat I asked Melissa to help me, and she made a tall, thin, red headed human woman.

the uncanny resemblance between the real Kucinich and his in-game gnomish warrior counterpart

We went to Ironforge.

Now, Ironforge, for those of you that don't know is a nice condensed Alliance city. It's my favorite because, unlike Stormwind, the auction house and the bank are right across from each other. Of course, this makes for lots and lots of traffic in that little area.

Is it the dwarf and gnome city and in it is a lot of lava, smelting and funny gadgets. it was an obvious place for us to meet because, well, it was easy to get there for both humans and gnomes (what with the Deeprun Tram and all), and it would have the most foot traffic in a single area.

Once I arrived at the bank, and met up with Melissa, we decided to just go wild. Now, if you know me, I can be quite silly and so doing things like running about and hollaring "LOOK I'M GOING TO BE PRESIDENT!" and "I HATE BUSH!" bring me much joy. And that's what I did.

Dennis makes proclamations, his special ladyfriend watches on adoringly

At first people just pointed and laughed. And then? Then people started to get really into it. One man, of course, thought that I should not have such a lovely wife and decided to bring a picnic. He wooed my woman, although unsuccessfully. And when I tried to come to the picnic? He called me gay! The nerve!

This kept up for awhile with people kissing the wife and saying mean things to Dennis. Then? Then people started to think I was serious! The tells were the best, where people wanted to know why I hate eating meat, why I am such a pansy liberal and more and more ridiculous things.

the great Ironforge Love-In of '08

We tried to make a parade, but sadly no one wanted to play. In the end, it was just an hour of silly gallivanting, lots of waving, and a whole lot of angry people. You'd be surprised how fired up people get over Warcraft politicians!

Next time? Go go. The myth, the magic, the phrase.

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