Well, almost. You know how there are just some people who can get you to do things? Inexplicable things that you totally thought you would not ever do until BAM, there you are doing it? Well, for better or worse, Dani holds that eerie power over me. And she convinced me to reroll on her server and level to 70 ASAP. My thought process went something like this:
HELL NO! I am a CAREBEAR! Griefers can blow me....So, in about half an hour, I completely folded and made Sinead, a draenei priest. That was about two weeks ago and I've been leveling here virtually nonstop ever since. I miss having alts to tool around with, and the total lack of other lowbie characters in our guild means I'm basically soloing 95% of the time. Which is also lame. But, I'm just bulldozing through the dark spots as fast as I can.
....but I have been wondering about PVP lately....
....but I just got two of characters up to 40! I don't want to abandon them!
....but if you just leveled up super-fast you could be a healbot in fancy raids....
....and you'd have a new character to play....
...you could go create it right now....
....wouldn't that be fun?
Good news is, I'm making progress! I just hit 40 this morning, and picked up shadowform and an elekk - which means I am now officially a badass. See?

Ok, back to the grindstone. But, before I go, I'll leave you with this video of Dani and I celebrating when my fancy new robes dropped in Scarlet Monastery:
1For some reason, I have weird preferences with characters. I can only play draenei or trolls. I tried other races, but they just don't feel quite right in some small way. And, I really prefer to play things with mana and ranged DPS capabilities. Melee makes me all flustered.
1For some reason, I have weird preferences with characters. I can only play draenei or trolls. I tried other races, but they just don't feel quite right in some small way. And, I really prefer to play things with mana and ranged DPS capabilities. Melee makes me all flustered.
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